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The Band

We are a group of seven experienced musicians, heavily involved in the Húrra project. The band was born from the need to face the topic of information noise and to try to talk about the difficulties of moving freely in its depths.

In contrast to the multitude of stimuli from the world around us, we locked ourselves in the studio and tried to find a common language based on our individual experiences. We come from different cities, countries and generations, but these apparent differences have allowed us to look at the problem from different perspectives. As a band we are eager to perform in front of audiences and ready to take on big tours. We also have plans to continue the Húrra project and plenty of ideas and material for future albums.

Húrra – Grzegorz Doroszenko

Grzegorz Doroszenko

Gitarzysta, pomysłodawca oraz główny kompozytor projektu Húrra.

Guitarist and composer based in Białystok, PL. A musician with extensive stage experience and an unconventional approach to composing. He led his own jazz quartet and trio. He has performed not only in Poland, but also in Iceland. Associated with jazz, but he has also performed in his own electronic music projects. Originator, creator and main composer of the Húrra project.
Húrra – Paul Rutschka

Paul Rutschka

Basista i producent muzyczny. Studiował na Conservatorium van Amsterdam na wydziale jazzu w klasie gitary basowej.

Bassist and music producer. He studied at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in the jazz department in the bass guitar class. Since 2011 he is the leader of the international jazz quintet "The Brag Pack", with which he recorded and produced two albums "Just Braggin" and "Tinted". He has made many tours in Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Latvia and Indonesia. In Poland, he has collaborated with many established musicians, as well as the Polish Chamber Philharmonic and the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Húrra – Jakub Klimiuk

Jakub Klimiuk

Gitarzysta związany z trójmiejską sceną muzyczną, student Akademii Muzycznej im. Stanisława Moniuszki w Gdańsku w klasie gitary jazzowej.

Guitarist associated with the Tri-City music scene, student of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk in the jazz guitar class. Stipendist of the Erasmus+ scholarship at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London. He is inspired by jazz, neo soul, hip-hop and generally understood improvised music. Currently he is an active sideman and he is also working on his own original material.
Húrra – Dominik Kisiel

Dominik Kisiel

Pianista, improwizator, kompozytor, absolwent i wykładowca na Akademii Muzycznej w Gdańsku.

Pianist, improviser, composer, graduate and lecturer at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk. Laureate of many solo competitions as well as the Dominik Kisiel Exploration Quartet. Author of the series of improvised concerts "PIANOWORKS". He has recorded two original albums with his quartet - "Exploration" and "Live at Radio Katowice". In 2019 he was nominated for the Polish music award Fryderyk in the "jazz debut of the year" category, and in 2020 he won Fryderyk as a sideman (Szymon Sutor - "Jazz Septet & String Orchestra"). He has recorded many albums with leading Polish jazz musicians.
Húrra – Jonas Kullhammar, saksofon

Jonas Kullhammar

Szwedzki kompozytor jazzowy, saksofonista i jeden z najważniejszych skandynawskich muzyków jazzowych.

Swedish jazz composer, saxophonist and one of the most important Scandinavian jazz musicians. For many years he led his own group “Jonas Kullhammar Quartet”, with which he recorded over 10 albums. As a sideman, he has participated in the recording of over 150 albums. Since 2000 he runs his own record label "Moserobie", based in Copenhagen.
Húrra – Wojtek Warmijak

Wojtek Warmijak

Perkusista z Trójmiasta. Studiował na BIMM w Londynie, a obecnie uczęszcza na wydział Jazzu i Muzyki Estradowej na Akademii Muzycznej w Gdańsku w klasie perkusji.

A drummer from the Tri-City. He studied at BIMM in London and currently attends the Department of Jazz and Stage Music at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk in the percussion class. He is the part of the band "Immortal Onion", with which he recorded two albums "Ocelot of Salvation" and "XD". He constantly collaborates with many Polish artists from various musical genres.
Húrra – Jakub Kurek

Jakub Kurek

Trębacz wywodzący się z wrocławskiej sceny muzycznej.

Trumpeter associated with the Wrocław music scene. He co-creates electric-acoustic band EABS, the ethnic band Kapela Timingeriu and the Wrocław improvisation group led by Artur Majewski. He is currently working on compositions for his original album and the soundtrack to a full-length film directed by Aniela Gabryel.
Húrra – grupa jazzowa

Publishing, booking, touring

Contact us

+48 509 091 557
g.doroszenko [at]